Liliyana Natsir became a VICTOR-sponsored player at the end of February; she was one of the five members of the Indonesian team to win a lucrative contract with VICTOR. Many of her fans would have been happy to hear his and will also be curious how the player herself feels about this handsome deal. All is revealed in the interview below!

Q. Congratulations on winning a high value contract with VICTOR. How do you feel about this lucrative contract?
Liliyana Natsir(Lili hereafter):Actually, I was very surprised and almost daren’t believe that I had won such a valuable contract. I should thank god.
Q. Why did you choose VICTOR as your sponsor?
Lili: I won’t deny that VICTOR’s offer was higher than that from any other brand, but there is another reason why chose to sign.
Q. Can you talk about the reason?
Lili:This is the first time we have cooperated but I believe that the service and equipment VICTOR provides its sponsored players with is very good. I think this is shown by the interaction between VICTOR and the South Korean team.
Q. Had you talked with VICTOR before the vote?
Lili: Yes, I already knew that their vision and mission match my targets and ability and they were closely connected. Also, their family concept is very strong, and I like this a lot.
Liliyana Natsir attaches great importance to her family (her mother is on the right)
Q. After being sponsored by VICTOR, has your attitude changed?
Lili: I think I carry a heavier responsibility than before, on and off court. I have to focus all my effort on achieving my mission.
Q. Why do you feel the responsibility is heavy?
Lili:I have to play well to show VICTOR they made the right choice.
Q. Has VICTOR given you any kind of target?
Lili: No, but I know all sponsors want the players they support to achieve good results, so I aim to win more tournaments in return for this support.
Q. How do you feel about being signed up by a sponsor as an individual?
Lili: I think this is a good thing. This method gives players a lot of motivation and will spur them to try to achieve better results.
Q. Are you worried that your teammates will be jealous you won such a high value contract?
Lili: I don’t think it’s necessary for the other to be jealous. When I joined the national team for the first time I received quite a lot of money from sponsorship contracts and this made me try my best to achieve good results.
Interviewer: Broto Happy Wondomisnowo